Radiographs and Code: A DevOps Engineer's Journey

Hey there,

Today, I'm excited to take you on a journey through a typical day in my life, a life that involves not one, not two, but three distinctive roles.

It's a bit of a balancing act, and I thought it might be interesting to share how I manage it all.

So, let's dive in and get acquainted with the three hats I wear daily.

First, I'm a DevOps engineer and a program manager by profession.

My weekdays are often filled with code, deployments, and meetings.

I help manage projects and ensure everything runs like clockwork in the world of technology.

But that's not all. A few times a week, I step into a different set of shoes—the ones of a radiographer.

It's a vital job where I work in a medical setting, ensuring that patients receive the care they need.

And, as if that wasn't enough, I'm also the author of a weekly newsletter.

Every morning, I put on my writer's hat and dive into the world of words, sharing insights and stories with a wonderful community of readers.

Now, you might be wondering, "Why am I sharing all this?"

Well, because I believe we all have our unique stories, and by sharing mine, I hope to offer a few nuggets of wisdom that might help you in your own daily juggle.

So, let's embark on this journey together and see how I manage these three different roles, finding a balance in the midst of it all.

Every day, my goal is to rise at 4:00 a.m., but like all of us, I have my moments.

Some days, the alarm clock wins the race, and others, well, let's just say I grant myself a bit more time.

It all hinges on how my night unfolded and how early i slept. proving the age-old saying true: "Early to bed, early to rise."

I am naturally a night crawler, so often times it is a battle of having to force myself to sleep if I really want to meet the 4:00 am mark.

The first two hours of my day are sacred; they're all about writing this newsletter.

When I wake up, I kickstart my day by dousing myself with cold water.

It's not just a routine; it's my way of preparing for a day of writing.

The chilly splash shakes off the sleepiness, getting me ready for creative work.

Now, let's explore my role as a DevOps engineer and program manager.

During the weekdays, my primary goal is to provide top-notch content to my students, monitor their progress, and keep our learning journey well organized.

A crucial part of my job is uploading assignments to our Kanban board, and reviewing them ahead of weekend live classes.

The real adventure kicks off on the weekends when I lead live classes.

We spend three hours together on Saturday and three more on Sunday.

But my work starts long before these live sessions.

Preparing for these classes means I'm studying nearly every day.

This continuous learning not only sharpens my skills as a DevOps engineer but also enables me to pass on the latest knowledge to my students.

By noon, my mission is usually accomplished, leaving the rest of the day for my other roles.

Now, let's step into my life as a medical radiographer.

I spend three days a week in the medical field, balancing it with my other roles.

At first glance, it might seem like a laid-back job, handling around three patients a day and allowing me to work on my laptop in-between.

But, let me share a secret with you.

This part of my life can be one of the most mentally taxing.

Leaving home for work adds an extra layer of stress to my already hectic schedule.

Anything that isn't remote work can weigh heavily on my mind.

However, I'm on a journey to fully transition into remote work, which means I would be leaving the medical field completely.

It's about having the freedom and flexibility to contribute from anywhere in the world—something the medical field doesn't really offer—unless, perhaps, I decide to explore content creation.

This was one of the key reasons I made the transition in the first place, alongside the low effort-to-reward ratio.

But there's a silver lining.

As a medical radiographer, I have the opportunity to make a real difference in people's lives while earning a living.

So, I focus on the positives, despite the challenges.

So, that's a glimpse into my daily routine.

My evenings are a time for personal growth, whether it's hitting the gym, diving into the pages of an inspiring book, or immersing myself in YouTube content that resonates with me.

In the vast realm of content creators, I find my inspiration in the world of self-improvement.

I particularly enjoy Ali Abdaal's captivating deep-dive series, along with the wisdom shared by content creators like Alex Hormozi, Dan Koe, and numerous others.

Now, let's shift gears and look at some valuable tips for managing your time effectively.

Mastering Time Management: Key Strategies for Success

Being able to juggle my various roles effectively boils down to three fundamental principles:

  1. Waking Up Early: Setting the Pace for Productivity

In a previous issue, I delved extensively into the importance of waking up early. If you missed it, you can catch up here.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: waking up early is a game-changer.

This point can't be overemphasized.

Any day I miss this window, I find it a bit challenging to maintain my balance and accomplish all my tasks.

Starting your day early puts you ahead of the game, and it feels great knowing you've accomplished a lot before the world wakes up.

  1. Prioritizing Tasks: The Key to Productivity

Prioritizing tasks based on their importance is one of the most critical productivity tips out there.

It's about focusing on what truly matters and spending your day on these essential activities.

However, it's not merely about staying busy; it's about working on tasks that move you closer to your long-term goals.

Tim Ferriss, in his book "The 4-Hour Workweek," emphasizes the importance of being both effective and efficient.

  1. Time Allocation: Make Every Moment Count

It's no secret that work expands to fill the time given to it.

Allocating less time for each task might seem counterintuitive, but it's a fantastic trick.

You'll be surprised at how laser-focused you become when you have a shorter timeframe.

Personally, I've reduced my daily newsletter writing time from 2 hours to just 1, and it's still top-notch.

  1. Avoid Multitasking: The Productivity Killer

Multitasking can thin out your efforts and result in haphazard work.

If there's one crucial takeaway from this week's issue, let it be this:

Multitasking is a productivity killer.

Knowing this, I make a conscious effort to avoid it as much as I can.

Even in seemingly simple activities like eating, I focus solely on the task at hand.

Cultivating this habit is crucial, as it's so easy to fall into the trap of juggling multiple things, thinking it'll make you more efficient.

But the truth is, it's a productivity myth.

With these key strategies in your arsenal, you'll find yourself better equipped to manage your time and tasks effectively.

Take Charge of Your Day: Achieving Balance and Success

As I wrap up this journey through my daily life, picture your own path to success.

For me, it's all about attaining four hours of focused work, leaving ample time to savor life's pleasures.

It's about finding that balance between productivity and enjoying the world around us.

Now, it's your turn.

Take a moment to contemplate how you spend your valuable time.

Are you merely going through the motions, like a robot?

It's time to assess, to see where you can make changes and find that equilibrium between productivity and enjoyment.

In the wise words of Steven Kotler in "The Art of Impossible," Success is about repeating the same actions daily over time.

So, make every day count.

Wishing you a day filled with productivity, fulfillment, and the determination to take action and make your dreams a reality.

see you soon
