The Comeback Starts in Your Mind: Let's Get Back Up Together

Hey there,

Remember last email when I opened up about struggling?

The response was overwhelming (thank you for all your messages!).

This week, I want to share what I'm actually doing to climb back up - and it starts with something fascinating I've discovered.

You see, the first battle isn't in your habits or your routine.

It's in your mind.

Here's what I mean: Yes, I might be struggling to wake up early. Yes, my discipline isn't where I want it to be. But you know what I refuse to do? I refuse to walk around acting defeated.

And this is the first key I want to share with you today.

Just because you're not where you want to be doesn't mean you have to embody that struggle.

It's a subtle but powerful shift.

Let me break down what I'm doing right now:

  1. Mind First, Reality Second: I'm deliberately carrying myself like someone who's got it together, even on days when I don't feel like it. When someone asks how I'm doing, I say "I'm getting better every day" - because I am, even if it's not visible yet. This isn't fake positivity; it's strategic mindset positioning.

  2. Acting 'As If': Even if I missed my morning routine, I still dress well. Even if I'm not at my peak productivity, I still plan my day. Why? Because these actions tell your brain, "We're not staying here. This is temporary. We're moving forward."

  3. Refusing the 'Struggling' Identity: There's a difference between acknowledging struggles and making them your identity. Yes, I'm facing challenges, but I'm not "a person who's struggling." I'm a person who's realigning. See the difference?

Here's the thing about mindset work - it feels like you're fooling yourself at first.

But your mind is more powerful than you think. When you trick it into believing you're on your way up, it starts finding ways to make that true.

So here's my challenge to you this week:

Pick ONE area where you're not where you want to be. Instead of dwelling on the gap, start acting like the person who's already bridging it. Carry yourself with that energy. Plan with that confidence. Move with that purpose.

Be deliberate about it. This isn't about denial or fake confidence. It's about refusing to let temporary circumstances define your entire narrative.

Remember: You can acknowledge where you are while still carrying yourself like who you're becoming.

I'm doing this right alongside you. Every day, even when it doesn't feel natural, I'm moving like someone who's already back on track.

Because that's how we get there - we convince our minds first, and reality follows.

Would love to hear how you're going to apply this in your life this week.

What's one area where you're going to start carrying yourself differently?

With you on this journey,