The Simple Approach to Lasting Progress

Hello, dear friend,

Today, I want to share a simple yet powerful reminder about improvement.

Often, we think progress requires complex strategies and intricate plans, but the truth is, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Improvement can be straightforward if you focus on the basics and stay consistent.

Being able to stay in the game long enough is one of those key determinants of how far you can go.

Here's a simple approach you can adopt:

1- Write Out 3-5 Lever-Moving Tasks:

Start your day by identifying three to five tasks that will have the most significant impact on your goals.

These are the tasks that truly move the needle. This should be generated from your year-long goals, broken down into quarterly, weekly, and then daily tasks.

I dedicated an issue to extensively talk about how you can go about this in the past.

If you missed it, you can catch up on it here.

2- Block Out 3-5 Hours for Deep Work:

Dedicate a few hours each day to focus on these tasks without distractions.

This is your time to dive deep and make meaningful progress.

Wake up early and tackle these lever-moving tasks.

It’s not that you can’t do this at any time, but it’s always better to tackle your tasks during the early hours when distractions are fewer.

Life is unpredictable; anything can happen and derail your focus as the day goes by.

Tackling your important tasks first ensures that regardless of how the day eventually goes, you have achieved something tangible.

3- Do What You Want for the Rest of the Day:

Once you’ve completed your deep work, give yourself the freedom to do what you enjoy.

This balance keeps you productive and motivated. I’ve always emphasized how elite performers prioritize rest.

You shouldn’t always be working.

Constant work mode burns you out and stifles your creativity, leading to a point where you stop enjoying work—and we don’t want to get to that point.

Additionally, look for opportunities to automate, outsource, or delegate anything that doesn’t directly contribute to your main goals.

This way, you can preserve your energy and focus on what truly matters.

Remember, it doesn’t have to be complex. Keep these steps as your daily constants, and you’ll find that improvement is not only possible but also manageable.

Conclusion: Keep It Simple, Stay Consistent

Keep doing this consistently, and over time, you'll see remarkable progress.

When you look back over the months or even years, you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve come.

Simplicity and consistency are your allies on the journey to improvement.

So, let's embrace this straightforward approach, stay focused on the tasks that matter, and continue moving forward.

Your future self will thank you for the progress you make today.

With you on this journey, always.

See you next week,
