When Things Get Hard: A Letter About Clarity and Persistence

Hey there,

Let's talk about something real today - how incredibly tough life can get sometimes.

You know those moments when everything feels heavy?

When your goals seem distant, your efforts feel insufficient, and the path ahead looks more challenging than ever?

Here's what I've learned: The first step to handling these moments isn't trying to make them go away. It's accepting them fully.

Yes, you heard that right. Instead of fighting against the difficulty or waiting for things to get easier, there's immense power in simply acknowledging: "This is hard. And that's okay."

You see, we often waste energy hoping things were easier, wondering why we're facing such challenges, or comparing our struggles to others' seemingly smooth journeys.

But here's the truth: Life will get difficult. That's not a possibility - it's a certainty.

And you know what?

Understanding this deeply, truly internalizing it, is actually freeing.

Because once you accept that difficulty is part of the journey, you can stop being surprised by it.

Stop being derailed by it. Instead, you can focus your energy on what really matters: keeping going regardless.

This isn't about being tough or unfeeling. It's about gaining clarity:

  • Clarity that challenges don't mean you're on the wrong path

  • Clarity that difficulty doesn't equal defeat

  • Clarity that "keep going" is often the only answer you need

So when things get tough - and they will - remember this:

You don't need to have it all figured out. You don't need to see the whole path ahead. You just need to accept where you are and keep moving forward, one small step at a time.

This might mean:

  • Taking that next step even when you're unsure

  • Showing up for yourself even when motivation is low

  • Continuing even when progress feels slow

Sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is simply continue. Not with grand gestures or dramatic changes, but with quiet persistence and steady steps forward.

Remember: The difficulty you're facing isn't a sign to stop. Often, it's life asking you: "How badly do you want this? Are you willing to keep going even when it's hard?"

Your answer to that question - shown through your actions, not your words - is what shapes your journey.

So keep going. Not because it's easy, but because it's worth it. Keep going, not with the expectation that things will get easier, but with the understanding that you'll get stronger.

As this is my final newsletter to you for the year, I want you to carry this message forward:

Life's challenges aren't obstacles in your path; they are the path.

Embrace them, learn from them, and most importantly, keep moving through them.

Thank you for being part of this journey.

Remember, clarity comes not from having all the answers, but from continuing to move forward even when you don't.

Keep going, always.

With deep gratitude,



Life will continue to challenge you, but you've got this.

You've always had it within you. Sometimes you just need a reminder to keep going—consider this yours.